Family Learning – Emotional Wellbeing

Father helping his daughter with maths homework

Course Aims:

An opportunity to have guided support and tips on keeping your children emotionally well.

Mother helping her daughter with maths homework

Courses include:

  • Emotional Wellbeing KS1
  • Emotional Wellbeing KS2
  • Emotional Wellbeing Teenagers
  • Emotional Wellbeing for Parents/Carers
  • Anxiety and Building Resilience
Dad helping his son with maths homework

Key information:

  • Emotional Wellbeing KS1
    This course will give you the opportunity to have guided support and tips on keeping your child of 5-8 years old emotionally well.
  • Emotional Wellbeing KS2
    Our children’s emotional well being is so very important and even more so at this current time. This course will give you an opportunity to have guided support and tips on keeping your children of 9-12 years old emotionally well.
  • Emotional Wellbeing Teens
    Parenting a teenager is not an easy task at the best of times. During this difficult time your teenager will be experiencing a range of emotions due to having to work from home, not seeing their friends, looking at the news and worrying and now being anxious about returning to school. This course will give you an opportunity to have guided support and tips on keeping your teenagers emotionally well.
  • Anxiety and Building Resilience
    Parenting is not an easy job at all and at this time we all feel that we are being tested. Some days are better than others but life is not easy all living under one roof all of the time. This course is designed to support you to understand your children and provide parenting support. Dealing with anxiety is a challenge in itself but we need to ensure we have the resilience to cope and model to our children how to do this.
Teacher showing schoolchildren how to use a tablet

What to do next

If there are specific topics or ideas that you would like to see us deliver then please do email We have a wealth of expertise and knowledge in our team of trained professionals, and welcome opportunities to develop workshops that are based on need.