Learner Induction

Principal’s Welcome

Important Information

Please make sure to click on each of the provided links and carefully read the information on the respective pages. This information is crucial for your learning journey at ACL.

Safeguarding & Wellbeing

Adult Community Learning Essex is committed to its duty of creating a nurturing atmosphere that prioritises Wellbeing and guarantees personal safety, security, and welfare.

Learner Wellbeing Form

ACL wants to support all our learners and keep them safe. To help us do this you may want to complete a risk assessment. Some reasons to complete this could be if you:

  • Have ill health or a disability
  • Have a learning disability
  • Have a Mental Health condition or difficulties such as anxiety or depression
  • Have an addiction to substances or alcohol

Classroom Learning

Whether at an ACL centre or in an outreach venue our traditional classroom approach remains the core of our teaching and learning. Within these settings we deliver to small groups of adults using an individualised personal approach.

Online Learning

Online or remote learning involves accessing information from our Virtual Learning Environment, participating in telephone calls, attending webinars, or watching live streams.

Centre Information

We have eight main centres across Essex, details of which can be found below including location and facilities.

Exams Information

All ACL centres have an exams officer (or officers) who will make exam entries when advised to by your course tutor. These officers will then organise your exam bookings and communicate all details directly to you via email. Find out more by clicking on the button below.

Policies and Information

Our organisation’s policies play a crucial role as they establish the boundaries of what is considered acceptable and unacceptable. These policies are implemented to guarantee that we make fair and transparent decisions consistently, ultimately benefiting our learners, staff, and visitors.

Progression & Development

It can be challenging to figure out the right steps to progress in both work and life. Rest assured, we are here to lend a helping hand.

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