1. Funding overview
- You can get free Maths and English courses, including GCSEs, if you don’t already have a C/4 grade or equivalent.
- Essential Digital Skills programs are free if you have basic IT skills below level 1.
- If you’re unemployed or earn a gross annual income of £25,000 or less, you could be eligible to complete a level 2 accredited course without charge.
- The Level 3 Entitlement means that adults without a full level 3 qualification, eg. A Levels or an Advanced Diploma, or those earning a gross annual income of £25,000 or less, could undertake an accredited course that’s fully funded from the Free Courses for Jobs Offer.
- Advanced Learner Loans are available for courses at levels 3 to 6. You only pay them back once you start earning £25,000 a year (before tax and other deductions).
- You could get help with travel costs, childcare, and course materials, including books, laptop loans, and WiFi, while you study. This help is available if you have a gross household income of less than £35,000 per annum (not including house shares, or where rent is paid separately), or a personal gross income of less than £25,000 per annum.
- If you receive certain benefits or earn a gross salary of less than £25,000, you could receive a 50% discount on non-accredited courses.
- We also have a dedicated team that provide financial advice and guidance to learners during their course should they need it.
Funding Guidelines & Policy documents
Financial Support Guidelines
Contact the Student Finance team
If you have any questions relating to funding please contact our student finance team. You can complete the form below, call 03330 321 132 (opening hours weekdays 9am – 4pm) or email the team by completing the below form.