Exams Resit Policy

Control of the document: SLT

This policy is issued, controlled, and may only be modified by the designated policy group member after proposed amendments have been presented to the Quality Improvement Group

The latest version of the policy will be maintained by the Adult Community Learning Service (ACL) and updates sent to all Managers.  It is important that the latest version of the policy is used at all times.


Policy Aims & Intention

The Resit Policy enhances the Examination Policy by providing consistent practice and service delivery service wide.

Responsibility Group: SLT, Exams Leads & Exams Officers

Date of acceptance:           November 2007

Last Review Date:              August 2023

New Review Date:              September 2024

Audience: All Strategic, Curriculum and Operational Managers, Academic Staff, Support Staff, Volunteers, Learners and other Service Users


The Resit Policy

The following acts provide a framework defining practice:

  • Resits will not be extended/offered to external candidates.
  • Resits will only be accepted from persons enrolled as Learners who are up to date with tuition fees.
  • Where possible, resits will be taken during the existing course.
  • Where possible, resits will be arranged with other exams/assessments to make invigilation efficient.
  • Learners will be able to take up to a maximum of 2 resits per module/exam (with the exception of GCSEs). Under exceptional circumstances further resits may be available, with permission from the Senior Leadership Team.  Your tutor will need to complete the attached request form.
  • All resits, excluding those for fully funded learners, will be charged in accordance with Awarding Body charges.
  • Learners who fail to attend an exam without giving 24 hours’ notice to the Exam’s Office will be charged a resit fee at their next attempt at that exam.
  • Details of all fees and charges payable are available on request through your local Exam’s Office.


GCSEs Only

  • GCSE resits in November are only available to learners who were awarded a grade 3 (subject to agreement of the Curriculum Lead) at a cost of £100. (Please note, not all subjects are available to resit).  The exception is when a learner is not satisfied with their grade awarded by the Awarding Body and feels it does not reflect their ability, in instances where the exam has not been taken and other marking schemes, such as Centre Assessed Grades, have been used to award a grade – such as 2020 example of Covid-19 lockdown exams cancellations.  In this instance, it will not be considered a resit as the original exam has not been attempted and will not be subject to cost.
  • GCSE resits are not available for learners who have been awarded a grade 1 or 2. In this instance the whole year of teaching and learning must be undertaken (subject to re-assessment).
  • Resits will be only offered to learners, where appropriate and in line with exam board requirements.


Exam Resit Request Form (for exceptional circumstances only) 

To be completed by the Tutor and then emailed to ACL SLT & ACL Exams Team 

Learner Name:
Account No:
Course Code:
Exam to be resat:
Attempt No:
Tutor Name:
Tutor Signature:


To be completed by a member of SLT and emailed to Tutor & ACL Exams Team

Agreed / Rejected (delete as appropriate)
Reason for rejection:  





SLT Name:
SLT Signature:


If you require this document in any other format, please email jaimie.huckfield@essex.gov.uk stating the document name in full and the format you need.