ACL AI Policy

ACL Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy


Control of document

This policy is issued, controlled, and may only be modified by the designated policy group member after proposed amendments have been presented to the Curriculum Quality and Development Group.


The latest version of the policy will be maintained by the Adult Community Learning Service (ACL) and updates sent to all Managers.  It is important that the latest version of the policy is used at all times.


Policy aims and intentions

The Artificial Intelligence Policy details guidance on the use of AI by both learners and staff and will follow advice by relevant external parties.


The aim of this policy is to ensure that ACL can:

  • provide suggestions on how AI can be used to support staff in ACL to save time and maximise productivity.
  • advise staff and learners the correct way to use AI appropriately in all areas of teaching and learning.
  • comply with Ofqual’s regulatory requirements and those of any other relevant regulatory or industry bodies including the Government paper .


Responsibility Group

ACL Curriculum, Quality and Development Group


Policy Writer

ACL Learning Technologies Manager


Date of acceptance

November 2023


Last review date



Next review date

November 2024



All ACL Staff, and learners.  The term learners is inclusive of apprentices.




Stored location

All policies to be stored on ComEd Pool/Policies and Strategies.

All policies intended for learners to be available on the website within ACL Policies (Learners)

All policies intended for tutors and staff to be available on the Staff Portal within ACL Policies (Staff)


The Policy

ACL is committed to harnessing the transformative capabilities of AI. Through AI we aim to streamline administrative processes and present innovative learning experiences. We also acknowledge the ethical and safety considerations necessary for working with AI.


Students Use of AI

Whilst students should be encourage to use AI to bolster their learning, they must adhere to strict guidelines which are set out in the JCQ AI in Assessments document. This includes:

  • Ensuring all submitted work is their own. Students who misuse AI in assessments will have committed malpractice.
  • Detailing any areas where AI has been used to support their work and acknowledging this.
  • Retaining a copy of the question and AI generated responses for reference purposes.
  • Students will be requested to acknowledge this alongside declaring own work only is submitted.

Students using AI should also be aware of AI’s limitations, bias and risk of misinformation.

Students must, in line with policies, ensure that AI is used for their own use and is not used to create anything which could be defamatory to another person or ACL.

Students must not put any personal information of themselves or another into AI.


Staff Use of AI

ACL’s staff must ensure AI is used ethically in education. This includes:

  • Undertaking training on the advantages, risks and ethical use of AI
  • Monitoring student work for possible AI misuse
  • Integrating AI within the curriculum
  • Ensuring alignment with JCQ guidelines on AI in assessments
  • Not allow or cause intellectual property, including pupils’ work, to be used to train generative AI models, without appropriate consent or exemption to copyright.
  • Ensure students are aware of plagiarism policy and the consequences of malpractice
  • Embed risks of AI use in safeguarding and online safety discussions
  • Ensure learners are not accessing or creating harmful or inappropriate content online, including through generative AI

Ethical Use of AI

We expect all AI users to:

  • Respect privacy and intellectual rights
  • Adhere to all laws and policies in relation to data protection


Control of document

This policy is issued, controlled, and may only be modified by the designated policy group member after proposed amendments have been presented to the Curriculum Quality and Development Group.

The latest version of the policy will be maintained by the Adult Community Learning Service (ACL) and updates sent to all Managers.  It is important that the latest version of the policy is used at all times.

This policy is in conjunction with the following ACL policies:

  • ACL Online Safety Policy
  • ACL Computer Use Policy
  • ACL Behaviours Policy
  • ACL Safeguarding Policy
  • ACL Assessment and Examination Malpractice