ACL Exams

1. Exams guidance
Please note the information below which will allow us to run your exam session as safely as possible. Read through it all carefully and email your centre’s exams officer if you have any questions or concerns before your exam date.
In the event that you are unable to attend the exam, please email or phone the exams officer for your exam centre. If you are unwell in any way, please do not attend, but please do let your exams officer know.
What to bring with you
- Photo ID (Passport or Driving Licence). You must contact your exams officer in advance of your exam if you have neither of these.
- Stationery – Black pens are required to write your exam. For Maths exams you will also need pencil, eraser, calculator, ruler, protractor and a pair of compasses.
- Any pencil cases must be clear and ‘see through’. We will provide a dictionary if needed for your Reading or Maths exam.
- Water if needed. This must be in a clear plastic bottle with all labels removed.
- If possible, leave coats, bags, phones etc in your car. If you need to bring your mobile phone in with you, please switch it off and place it where instructed by the invigilator.
- If you have a medical condition which requires you to take medicines or food into the exam room, please make sure your exams officer is aware well in advance of your examination session
In the examination room
As soon as you enter the room you will be under exam conditions. This means remaining silent – you may only speak with ACL staff (Exams Officers, invigilators).
You will be directed to your nominated desk and/or PC. Place your ID on your desk.
The invigilator will read out key exam instructions and reminders.
The invigilator will advise of start/finish times and write these on the board – but it is your responsibility to manage your time throughout the exam.
When the invigilator gives the instruction, you will be asked to complete the information on the front of your examination paper(s) such as your name, date of birth, and candidate number (this information will be on your desk label).
Check that you have the correct paper and if there is a space to sign, please do so. DO NOT OPEN THE EXAM PAPER UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO.
You must wait for the invigilator to tell you when to start the exam.
If you are feeling unwell and/or need to leave the room for any reason raise your hand to attract the attention of an invigilator for assistance.
If the fire alarm sounds, follow instructions from the invigilator. Remember, you are still under exam conditions as you may be able to resume your exam if conditions allow.
When you have finished your exam
Close the booklet, check you have signed the front sheet, and remain seated until advised by the invigilator.
If you are using a word processor, you will be able to print your work before or after the end of the exam, but you will not be able to make any further changes to your work if the exam has finished.
Ensure your name, date of birth, candidate number and date of exam are typed or written on all printed or additional sheets.
All rough workings which do not form part of your exam answers must be placed in the box marked for shredding on your way out of the exam room. Any rough working or notes taken during the exam must not leave the exam room.
After the exam has finished, please leave the building promptly, as directed by the invigilator, taking all personal belongings with you. You must remain silent until clear of the exam room.
And Finally..
Good luck with your exam!
Please email the exams officer for your centre if you have any questions or concerns.
2. Do you need additional support?
Some learners will need extra help to perform to the best of their ability in exams. This additional help comes in the form of Access Arrangements (AAs).
Access Arrangements may be used to address medical issues, special educational needs and/or disabilities.
The most commonly granted Access Arrangements include:
- Extra Time
- Rest Breaks
- Reader
- Scribe
- Word Processor
- Bilingual Dictionary
- Prompter
- Practical Assistant
- Communication Professional (eg for learners using Sign Language)
Modified exam papers (enlarged font, coloured paper)
If you think you qualify for any form of help in your exams, speak to your tutor as soon as you can after starting your course. Your need will be assessed and evidence gathered to support an application to the Awarding Body for your course.
The final decision to grant an Access Arrangement lies with the examining body.
Contact your local officer
Jane Turnpenny
03330 138818
Julia Grote
03330 139015
Julia Grote
03330 139015
Kelly Mitton
03330 139233
Julie Gardner
03330 321390
Kyra Turnbull
03330 321464
Rimsha Mazhar
03330 138605
Sharon Walsh
03330 139188
Sharon Walsh
03330 139188