Help Hub

We’ve put together several guides to help you enrol, access software whilst on your course, and with any additional help you may need. We also offer FREE Digital & Computer Skills courses to help you feel more confident engaging with technology.

Adult Community Learning Essex is committed to its duty of creating a nurturing atmosphere that prioritises Wellbeing and guarantees personal safety, security, and welfare.

We offer a space to explore new ways to improve your wellbeing and gain valuable tools to help you navigate your daily life. Our expert tutors will be there with you every step of the way for guidance and support, in addition to signposting to partner services.

We are here to support you with every step of your career journey, from gaining extra qualifications to helping you with interview preparation. Whatever you needs, we can help.
Your Voice
Your voice is important in ensuring that ACL Essex meets the needs of our community. There are a number of ways in which you can express your views.
- End of your course
- In the classroom
- Learner Forum
- Focus groups and surveys
- Complaints, Comments and Compliments