ACL Conflict of Interest Policy (Exams)

ACL Conflict of Interest Policy (Exams) 2024/2025

Responsibility group Responsibility group ACL Curriculum, Quality and Development Group

Policy Writer ACL Exam Lead

Last review date October 2024

Next review date September 2025

Audience All ACL Staff, and learners. The term learners is inclusive of apprentices.

Stored Location Master Copy on ComEd Pool/Policies and Strategies. ACL Website



  • Policy Aims and Intentions
  • The Policy
  • Method of Implementation
  • Appendix A

Policy Aims and Intentions

The Conflict-of-Interest Policy enhances the Examination Policy by collating any perceived conflict of interest between assessment staff and learners and documents how this is managed and recorded.

Anyone involved in the development, delivery, assessment, or award of examined qualifications has an obligation to act in a way that does not lead to a conflict of interest.

The aim of this policy is to ensure that ACL can:

  • provide a mechanism to protect individuals and ACL against criticism or compromise by ensuring that all reasonable steps are taken to avoid any conflict of interests.
  • identify conflicts of interest and if necessary, take action to minimise or eliminate any adverse effects that they cause.
  • comply with Ofqual’s regulatory requirements and those of any other relevant regulatory or industry bodies.




The Policy 

All teaching staff who are responsible for internally assessment elements of external qualifications are contacted at the start of the course to declare any potential conflict of interest due to a personal relationship with a learner on their course.  A conflict of interest may exist where a tutor has a close personal relationship with a learner which includes step/foster family or similar close relationships as well as close friends and their immediate family.

Method of Implementation 


Where there is a conflict of interest the tutor completes the declaration of interest form (Appendix A) and returns it to the exams leads to be logged.  Depending on the nature of the declaration, a statement of how the conflict will be managed is documented and the awarding body informed of the steps being taken.


For example, a GCSE English tutor delivering a course to a close personal friend would not be permitted to assess or verify NEA elements of the course, such as speaking and listening.  An independent internal verifier would be put in place for this learner’s assessment.



Appendix A  


Declaration of Interest form 2024/25


To comply with the regulations, the centre is required to manage Conflicts of Interest and inform the relevant awarding body/bodies for any of their qualifications of:


  • any members of centre staff who are taking qualifications at their own centre which include internally assessed components/units.
  • any members of centre staff who are teaching and preparing members of their family (which includes stepfamily, foster family, and similar close relationships) or close friends and their immediate family (e.g., son/daughter) for qualifications which include internally assessed components/units; and
  • maintains clear records of all instances where:
  • exams office staff have members of their family (which includes stepfamily, foster family, and similar close relationships) or close friends and their immediate family (e.g., son/daughter) being entered for examinations and assessments either at the centre itself or other centres.
  • centre staff are taking qualifications at their centre which do not include internally assessed components/units.

centre staff are taking qualifications at other centres.


To ensure compliance, you must declare (by ticking) any of the statements that apply to you and complete the required information in the white boxes.


Your name Your job title (s)


Subject(s) you teach (if applicable to your role)


Please tick any statement/statements that applies/apply to you and complete the required information (or will apply to you during the 2024/25 academic year)


I am taking a qualification(s) at this centre which includes an internally assessed component/unit


Qualifications I am taking Awarding Body Qualification Type Specification (Subject)



Steps I have taken to seek an alternative centre at which to take the qualification(s)




  • I am teaching and preparing a member of my family (which includes stepfamily, foster family, and similar close relationships) or close friends and their immediate family (e.g., son/daughter) for a qualification(s) which includes an internally assessed component/unit.

(Where more than one related person, please complete a separate form)


Name of related person (the candidate)


Candidate number Relationship to me


Qualification(s) being taught and prepared for Awarding Body Qualification Type Specification (Subject)



  • I am a member of exams office staff and have a member of my family (which includes stepfamily, foster family, and similar close relationships) or close friends and their immediate family (e.g., son/daughter) being entered for examinations and assessments at this centre or another centre

(Where more than one related person, please complete a separate form)


Name of related person (the candidate)
Where the candidate is being entered £ This centre   £ Another entering centre (tick box as applies) 


Candidate number (if this centre) Relationship to me


Entering centre name (if not this centre)
Entering centre number (if known)


  • I am taking a qualification at this centre which does not include internally assessed components/units


  • I am taking a qualification at another centre


Qualifications I am taking Awarding Body Qualification Type Specification (Subject) Exam Series





Entering centre name
Entering centre number (if known)  


  • I have none of the above statements to declare

Date declaration(s) made:   Signature to confirm declaration(s):

This completed form (including date and signature) must be returned to the Exams Office and Curriculum Lead as soon as you are aware that any of the above statements relate to you.


The declaration(s) you have provided will be used to inform the relevant awarding body/bodies (where required) and to record details of the measures taken to mitigate any potential risk to the integrity of the qualifications affected. You will be informed if/where any measures or protocols put in place directly affect you


All records are subject to inspection by the JCQ/awarding body on request and will be retained until the deadline for reviews of marking has passed or until any appeal, malpractice or other results enquiry has been completed, whichever is later (for the relevant exam series).




Date Action
Completed Declaration form received
Declaration(s) recorded on Conflict of Interest (COI) log
Awarding body/bodies informed of specific COI (where applicable)
Staff member informed of measures/protocols in place to manage the risk represented by the COI


This policy is in conjunction with the following ACL policies

If you require this document in any other format, please email stating the document name in full and the format you need.