Safeguarding and Prevent

Safeguarding & Prevent
ACL takes its responsibility to safeguard all learners and staff seriously. It is recognised that any adults/young people could potentially be the victim of abuse including radicalisation and the service operates the following policies to address these risks.
- ACL Safeguarding and Prevent Policy
- Harassment and Bullying policy
- Fitness to Learn Policy
- Computer Use policy including On-Line Safety
Safeguarding and Prevent is the responsibility of us all. It is about protecting those who may be vulnerable from a wide range of harm and ensuring that they feel safe. Abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual, neglect, bullying, including cyber bullying, as well as a range of wider issues including Prevent, which is the Government’s strategy to wipe out radicalisation.
Safeguarding is only effective when we all take responsibility for looking out for each other.
If you have concerns, or someone has disclosed abuse to you, speak to your tutor, a member of staff or contact the ACL Safeguarding team direct on 07788 301629. This telephone is monitored during centre opening hours. Alternatively complete the online form by clicking here.
British Values
Part of the Government’s Prevent agenda is British Values. A short video showing where you can find these values within ACL will be shown to you by your tutor at the start of your course.
ACL promotes the fundamental British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs, through encouraging the development of skills and attitudes that enable us to contribute positively to life in modern Britain.
Equality & Diversity
We are committed to fairness and equality of access, opportunity and outcome for all learners and potential learners. We oppose discrimination in any form and have a commitment to making our courses inclusive and available to all.
Therefore, we positively welcome enrolments from everyone, regardless of age, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, race, religion/belief and sexual orientation.
When appropriate and possible we will make reasonable adjustments to ensure all learners gain the most from their learning experience.
Health & Safety
ACL operates within the Essex County Council Health and Safety Policy, the ACL Learner Charter, and Essex County Council Corporate Health and Safety guidelines. Copies of the ACL Code of Practice are available at each centre as well as online via the ACL virtual learning environment. The Service will ensure that there is an awareness of safety issues among all staff and, so far as it is reasonably practicable, that the health and safety of non-employees who may be affected by its work activities are not endangered. Our learners have a role in this, and we would ask you to please be alert to potential risks and report anything you think could be a danger straight away to the reception staff or your tutor.
As part of your learning experience we will include guidance as to:
- the importance of health and safety
- how hazards are identified, and risks assessed
- how to play an active part in developing a set of safe behaviours,
- how to acquire practical, transferable skills from your learning experience
Health and Safety will be covered as part of your induction to the course and by the end of your first class you should be clear about:
- emergency arrangements
- any significant risks that may affect you
- control measures for the risks
- supervision arrangements and the contact person for any health and safety concerns
- any restrictions or prohibitions that apply in the learning situation and premises
- any personal protective equipment or clothing that you must wear
- accident reporting
- any health and safety rules (“dos” and “don’ts”).
Learner Wellbeing
We care about your wellbeing; we have a Learner Welfare form that we suggest you complete when you have personal information related to your health that could affect you in the centre or might make you more vulnerable. This information is kept securely and only shared with your tutors and the safeguarding team, although in the event of a Safeguarding or Prevent concern information may also be shared with additional third parties.
We have a ‘Your Wellbeing’ area on our Virtual Learning Environment where we provide information and guidance to signpost you to other services and organisations that can support you.
Download our materials
Easy Read Safeguarding Leaflet
Safeguarding Our Learners (Information for Visitors)
Safeguarding Lanyard Insert
Prevent Leaflet
Safeguarding for Employers Leaflet
Speak to our team
Our Safeguarding team is here to help you with any concerns or guidance you may require. If you have any enquiries, feel free to fill out the form below or contact us at 07788301629 for urgent matters.