Learning Support Policy 2024/2025

Responsibility group Responsibility group Learning Support Team

Policy Writer Vice Principal Quality and Compliance  

Last review date October 2024

Next review date August 2025

Audience All Managers, Academic and Support Staff, Volunteers,    Learners, and other Service Users.

Stored Location Master Copy on ComEd Pool/Policies and Strategies. ACL Website



  • Policy Aims and Intentions
  • The Policy
  • Method of Implementation
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • APPENDIX A: Learning Support Plan 2024-2025




This document shows the commitment of Adult Community Learning Service to promote and encourage and provide learning support for learners with a disclosed need across all areas of Teaching, Learning and Assessment.  The term learner is inclusive of apprentices.



The following acts provide a statutory framework defining unlawful direct and indirect discrimination, and places on institutions a duty to promote equality and diversity:


  • Disability Discrimination Act (1995),
  • Disability Discrimination Act (Amendment) (2005)
  • Equality Act 2010
  • Human Rights Act 1998
  • Mental Health Act 1983 (Summary version 2007)
  • Protection from Harassment Act (1997)
  • Race Relations Act (1976)
  • Race Relations (Amendment) Act (2000)
  • Race Relations (Amendment) Regulations (2003)
  • Sex Discrimination Act (1975),
  • Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) Regulations (2003)
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001),


The aim of this policy is to ensure provision of appropriate support and resources through Additional Learning Support which includes, provision for communication support, learning support assistants (LSA’s), assistive resources and other resources as appropriate, within financial capability.


The Service is committed to equal access to the curriculum for all adult learners irrespective of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation or social and economic circumstances.


The ACL Learning Support Team can help in a variety of ways, and ask that our learners let us know about their learning needs early on, so they can arrange the right support as soon as possible.


Here are some examples of the support that may be offered:

  • Classroom-based support
  • Help for Dyslexia and Specific Learning Difficulties
  • Exam concessions and Access Arrangements
  • Note takers
  • A hearing loop facility
  • Communication support workers
  • Specialist equipment


If you need Exam Access Arrangements, make sure to declare or request them within the first 6 weeks of your programme. For more information on this see the ACL Exams Access Arrangements Policy.





  • Course publicity on the website highlights the Service policy and procedures relating to all aspects of Learning Support, i.e., Additional Learning Support and Discretionary Learner Support, Tailored Learning Bursary Funding and 19 + Advanced Loan Bursary Fund.
  • All staff providing additional learning support are appropriately trained and keep up to date with developing support methodologies.
  • Existing facilities are kept under review in order that those members of the community with physical, mental health and learning difficulties and/or disabilities will (within reason) have full access to all areas of Adult Community Learning life.
  • The nature and extent of provision is continuously reviewed, together with accessibility and use of resources, whether in the form of materials, assistive resources, people and venues.
  • The learning support team will work closely with Exams teams, tutors and other appropriate managers to ensure learner retention, achievement and success is maximised.
  • Where possible all ACL Support Learning classes will be supported by a Learning Support Assistant.


Applications for Additional Learning Support (ALS) 


Additional Learning Support refers to any extra help given to a learner beyond what’s included in a standard learning course.  This support helps students achieve their qualifications and learning goals. It might be needed due to a learning difficulty, disability, or requirements in English, maths, or literacy.




ALS for ACL accredited programmes is funded through the Department for Education.


Learning Support is provided to help you to work flexibly and provide support activity to meet the learning needs of your learners who have an identified learning difficulty and/or disability. This will enable these learners to achieve their learning goal. Learning Support funding also provides funding for you to meet the costs of reasonable adjustments as set out in the Equality Act 2010.


Learning Support should not be used to deal with everyday difficulties that are not directly associated with a learner’s learning on their programme.


Adult learners and apprentices (all ages) on ESFA funded courses can receive support to the value of £150 per month.  Any amounts above this are at the discretion of ACL and subject to approval by the Senior Management Team.


ALS funding is available for students who have taken out an Advanced Learning Loan, in these cases an assessment will be made and support implemented as deemed appropriate and within the limit of the funds available.


ALS funding cannot be used for full cost programmes (out of funding) or leisure courses.




  • Learners should tick the box for additional needs on the enrolment form to inform ACL what support is needed.  If further help is needed with this please contact the ACL Learning Support Team at ACLBusinessImprovementLearningSupport@ecc.co.uk.  By ticking this box the learner gives permission to be contacted by ACL to discuss their support needs further.
  • Application form received by Learning Support Team ( via. frontline/tutor/assessment process/online via website).
  • Learning Support Lead completes a Learning Support Plan (appendix) and determines the level of support required, and any resources that may be required.  This may include reference to a health report, or school report.  Evidence is not essential but can help with exam access arrangements (normal ways of working) and with assessing needs of individuals.
  • Where required a classroom support worker will be allocated.  This cannot be guaranteed and is subject to availability and meeting the above criteria.






For all learners with individual needs who are undertaking accredited learning, early disclosure is extremely important.  Awarding Organisations have requirements that can on occasions be complex and lengthy and the Exams teams work very hard to ensure, where needed, reasonable adjustments are made for learners, for example, extra time is required.  In these instances, please let us know as soon as possible.


All Exam Access Arrangements should be declared by or requested by the learner within the first six weeks of their course.  If notification is delayed it may not be possible for additional access arrangements to be authorised before an assessment or exam.  For further information see the ACL Exams Access Arrangements Policy.




The Service should undertake to:

Collect and regularly review data relating to fee remission, recruitment of learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, take up of Discretionary Learner support funds, Tailored Learning Bursary funds and 19+ Advanced Loan Bursary Fund, allocation of additional learning support funding.



  • Complaints records
  • Learner Feedback
  • Learner retention data
  • Observation of Teaching and Learning and appropriate action planning
  • Observations of Learning Support staff


APPENDIX A: Learning Support Plan 2024-2025 


Learner Name: Terms Code:
Date enquiry received:
Course Title: Course Code:
Course Dates: Tutor Name:


Learning Difficulty / Disability: 


Assessment of need: (e.g. Maths / English / Social Needs): 




Support needs, frequency & location: LSA / Volunteer / Exams Support / Additional



Review of support: Is the support effective? any adjustments made to plan





Learning Support Team to complete following two sections:

Confirmation of the Plan – I am satisfied the adjustments made to the learner’s programme are required and deemed reasonable in order to address their barriers to learning, without this support the learner would face significant difficulties in achieving.

(Additional Support Funding will be claimed)  ​☐


There is a support need but it is not deemed significant and will not be a barrier to learning and achievement. (No Additional Support Funding will be claimed) ​☐





Learner’s Confirmation of the Plan – I agree to this information being shared with the relevant parties (e.g. Tutor /  Learning Support Assistant / Volunteer)   ​☐





Learners signature to agreeing appropriate sharing also on the LA/enrolment form




Related ACL Policies: 


  • Safeguarding and Prevent Policy
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Positive Behaviours Policy
  • Fitness to Learn
  • Harassment and Bullying
  • Health and Safety
  • Learner Attendance
  • Staff Development,
  • Teaching and Learning

This policy is in conjunction with the following ACL policies