About Us
We are The Wilson Marriage Centre Nursery-Little Learners, offering childcare to the community as well as to adult learners attending courses at ACL Colchester. We provide childcare to babies and children (birth to 5 years) in two separate playrooms and follow the Early Years Foundation Stage.
We believe that children learn best when they’re happy and doing things that they enjoy. They develop and learn in the ‘here and now’ with their experiences, which is why we ‘plan in the moment’. Staff recognise teachable moments and let children lead the play. Children have a key person who keeps a ‘Learning Journey’ of their achievements during their time with us and we also use Tapestry an online experience to keep in touch with parents and share photos of their child’s day with them.
Rated Good by Ofsted in January 2020
“Children make good progress in their learning. They are well supported by their key person to help them to reach their next stage of learning.”
“Children’s early literacy skills are very effectively promoted. Children are provided with resources to practise their early writing skills in all areas of the nursery. Staff use spontaneous opportunities to develop these further.”
Ofsted 2020
Our Team
The team of 7 are all dedicated and passionate about working/playing with young children. Fully qualified in Early Years Education from level 3 to Degree level. All hold Paediatric First Aid and Safeguarding certificates and continue with their professional development to meet the ongoing changes in the sector.
We have a Designated Safeguarding Lead, a Special Education Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator and an Equality Co-ordinator. We are all committed to giving children the best start in life in partnership with their parents and carers.
We aim to offer your children a wealth of experiences from around the globe.
Throughout your child’s journey with us our aim is:
For every child to demonstrate confidence and resilience through playing, exploring, active learning and critical thinking.
For every child to grow physical and emotionally, gaining skills in self-care, self-efficacy and how to live a healthy happy life.
For every child to develop a love of learning: gaining independence, awareness of themselves and others and an understanding of the culture and knowledge in the wider world around them.
For every child to gain a strong foundation of learning, that delivers excellent levels of Communication, Numeracy and Literacy.
For every child to gain the knowledge, skills and understanding they require to access and succeed in the next stages of their education.
Important Information
Opening times & contact details
Opening times:
9.00am – 3.30pm from Monday to Friday Term Time
Session times are 9am-12pm or 12.30-3.30pm
We offer full days to some children 9am-3.30pm.
Contact Details:
Address: Wilson Marriage ACL, Barrack Street, Colchester, CO1 2LR
Email: LittleLearners.Colchester@essex.gov.uk
Phone: 03330 132544 or 07894 964683
Prices per Child
- Under 2 years – £24 per session /£52 per day
- 2-3 years – £21 per session/£45 per day
- 3-4 years – £19.50 per session/£42 per day
We are registered with the local authority and offer all funding from 1 year to 3-4 year olds.
All children are eligible for 15 hours funding the term after a child’s 3rd birthday, families with working parents may apply for 30 hours funding.
Funding may be available for parents taking classes at ACL.
Parents can also pay for additional sessions.
More funding information can be found at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Staff are incredible, and the children’s needs are always met first and foremost. I couldn’t be more reassured in the knowledge that he is safe, happy, cared for and supported excellently.
I live over 20 miles away and I will continue to send my children as long as practically possible. I cannot rate this nursery highly enough.
A Typical Day At Nursery
Most children arrive at 9am where they’re greeted by staff and supported to hang their coats on their pegs. We always have a role play area set up, this could be anything from a Green Grocers shop to a Vets along with our painting easel, a cosy area with books and a trolley of arts and crafts materials. Children can choose what activities they would like to play with by selecting them.
An adult will lead an activity at some point in the morning and afternoon, this could be anything from from cooking bread rolls to science experiments like making a volcano or cloud dough. The door to our small garden is open throughout the session and children choose to play inside or out. We don’t believe in bad weather; just inappropriate clothing and we also love to spend time in our growing garden next to the nursery.
We offer a varied snack that may include, fruits, vegetables, toast, crackers, cereal or something that we’ve cooked ourselves, the children are supported in preparing this themselves and washing up their cup and plate afterwards. At lunchtime, some children get ready to leave and others stay for lunch with the staff team. This is a very sociable time for all of us and children are encouraged to be independent and again wash-up afterwards. At 12.30pm children arrive for the afternoon and we repeat the routine with different resources.
We aim to be flexible and meet all family’s needs, so parents are able to collect their children at any time that suits them.