About Us
The pre-school is run by fully qualified staff and provides care for children aged 2-5. The pre-school incorporates two large playrooms of equal size.
Our Tweenies room caters for children aged 2 – 3 years. The maximum number of 2 year olds at any one session is 20 with a minimum of 4 members of staff. Our Rising stars room caters for children aged 3 – School age. The maximum number of 3&4 year olds at any one session is 28 with a minimum of 4 members of staff. Each room has their own large enclosed outside play area which the children access freely during the session.
Parent partnership is very important to us. Each child is assigned a key worker who will work with you to support your child’s learning and development. Each child has a paper-based learning journal, known to children as their ‘Special book’.Their special book contains photo’s observations development records and the children’s work
Learning journals are free for parents/carers to access and you are welcome to add your own photographs and comments if you so wish. Parents/carers are invited to progress meetings with their child’s keyworker each term.
Harwich Centre Pre-school is fully inclusive and welcomes all children and families to their setting.
Rated Good by Ofsted in October 2023
The inspector said ‘Children’s well-being is promoted consistently. Staff provide children with plenty of praise and encouragement throughout the day.’ ‘Partnerships with parents are especially strong. Parents are eager to share positive feedback.’ ‘Parents comment that their children have made significant progress in their learning since attending the pre-school.’
Our Team
We are a dedicated team of 12 qualified staff who between us have over 100 years of childcare experience!!!
We are a cheery happy team who just love to explore, get messy and have fun with the children.
We are all trained in Paediatric first aid. The manager and deputy are designated officers for Safeguarding
We have a qualified Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) in both Tweenies and Rising stars room.
We are a totally inclusive team who believes that every child deserves the very best quality of care and attention that the setting can offer.
All staff attend various early years training courses for continuous professional development.
We are members of the Essex Early years and childcare charter where we commit to a set of principles
- We commit to having high aspirations for each unique child
- We commit to respecting parents, carers and families as our partners
- We commit to contributing towards the early years system
- We commit to working collaboratively with our partner and providers
Additional information on the Essex Early years and childcare charter can be viewed here: https://eycp.essex.gov.uk/running-your-business/essex-early-years-and-childcare-charter/the-charter/
We believe that parents/carers are a child’s first educator and recognise how important it is for us to have a good working relationship with parents.
A parent commented “The pre-school has a really good feel to it, I can tell my child will be really happy here”
Right from the start of each session we support children’s independence by encouraging them to find their name peg, hang their coat up and put their lunch boxes in the lunch box area ready for the day ahead.
Children are then free to access a range of resources and activities both indoor and outside. Most of our activities are child-led, following children’s own interests and imagination. For example, making cakes in our mud kitchen or doing a bit of plumbing in the builders’ area. Adult-led activities also take place during the sessions where children can participate in activities such as child yoga, story time, song time, games, parachute play, cooking and so much more.
Children’s achievements are celebrated daily by children putting their name on the star or by an adult writing on a leaf and it being placed on our ‘awesome tree’ This could be for things like sharing a toy, being kind or helpful to their friends or mummy telling us they had slept in their own bed!!
During the mid-morning and afternoon sessions the children have rolling snack where a few children come to a table to enjoy a cup of milk/water and some fruit or savoury snack. Children bring in their own packed lunches and at 12 O’clock they sit in groups of four or five with a staff member to eat their lunch. This is a lovely social time where children like to chat to each other.
The child’s voice. The children have made some wonderful comments during their time at pre-school. But for us one child’s comment on her first day says it all….. “Wow”
Important Information
Opening Times & Contact Details
Opening times: We are open Monday – Friday term time only
Tweenies our 2-3 year olds
- Mornings sessions 09:15 -12:15
- Afternoon sessions 12:15 –15:15
- All day session 09:15 –15:15
Rising Stars our 3 years – school age
- Mornings sessions 09:00 -12:00
- Afternoon sessions 12:30 –15:30
- All day session 09:00 –15:30
Address: Harwich Centre Pre-school Adult Community Learning, Main Road, Harwich, CO12 4AJ
Email: carole.morgan@essex.gov.uk
Phone: 03330132437
Session Fees
Prices per Child
- 2-3 year olds – £15.00 per 3 hour session
- 3-5 year olds – £15.00 per 3 hour session
- Full Day – £32.00 – £2.00 added for lunch time care
Additional Fees
We are registered with the local authority to offer free places to eligible two, three and four year olds. Registration for 2 year old funding can now be done by parents/carers online. https://www.essex.gov.uk/help-with-childcare-costs
Funded two year olds are entitled to 15 hours free childcare per week. This funding can only be used by one nominated setting and is not transferrable except in exceptional circumstances.
Parents do not have to register for three and four year old funding, it automatically starts from the term after the child’s third birthday and is also for 15 hours per week.
Working parents may be eligible for 30 hours free childcare per week.
Parents/carers can choose to split this funding between two settings if they wish to.
Additional support with childcare costs via various schemes is now being offered by the government including an additional 15 hours per week for working parents. An explanation of all government childcare support can be found at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Are you Attending a Class at ACL ?
You can apply for help from the funds mentioned below if you are 19+ as at 31ST August 2020.
- Discretionary Learner Support Fund (DLSF)
- Advanced Learner Loan Bursary Fund
- Community Learning Bursary Fund
The funds can help you with the cost of Childcare
Financial assistance with childcare is available for the timetabled hours of your course. To claim support, you must be using an Ofsted registered childcare provider and not be in receipt of Childcare support from any other Agency.
Payments for childcare will be based on your attendance and excludes childcare costs outside term time. If you withdraw from the course or have payments stopped due to poor attendance, you will be responsible for the payment of outstanding fees to the childcare provider.
If your application is to cover costs for 3 children or more, this will be reviewed by the DLSF panel and support will be given where budget allows. Please note that Early Years Education Entitlement (EYEE) must be used before making a claim for assistance with childcare from ACL.
Childcare will not pay:
- For Christmas, Easter and Summer holiday periods and periods of half term.
- Deposits, retainers or to make advance payments.
- If the learner changes the number of days or hours their child attends their childcare provider and fails to inform the College Childcare Administrator.
- Food for your child.
ACL reserves the right to cap childcare fees if they are considered to be excessive. Funds are capped and allocated at the discretion of the ACL Support Fund administrators, in line with current policy. The funds are limited, and applications received when the fund is low or exhausted may be refused childcare funding. ACL reserves the right to alter or amend the childcare funding policy at any time. Applications will be dealt with on a strict date received basis and dependent on all paperwork being fully completed with all the required accompanying documentation. Incomplete applications will be returned to learners.
Eligibility does not mean an entitlement and no guarantee can be given that funds will be available when you apply. If there is a high demand on the funds, awards may be given at a reduced rate
For more information on Childcare support when attending class’s follow the link; https://aclessex.com/funding-support/
Freddie has settled really well into pre-school and that is down to the fun you have made it for him and the warm and friendly smiley welcome he gets each morning.
My Child has blossomed and grown so much since being at pre-school. I can’t thank you enough for all of your support.