ACL Learner Charter & Learner Expectations

Learners making furniture


  • Encourage and accept diversity and promote equality.
  • Behave in a manner that contributes to a healthy and safe environment.
  • Develop and promote your understanding of the British Values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance.


  • Adopt a positive attitude and participate fully in class supporting others in doing so.
  • Attend and be punctual, informing us if you are unable to attend.
  • Be aware of and abide by policies and procedures.
  • Engage and celebrate all successes and achievements.


  • Always wear your ID badge, so we know who is in our centres.
  • Share any information we need to keep you safe, complete a Learner Welfare form if appropriate.
  • Be aware of and use procedures for complaints and comments.
  • Request and make use of available Learning Support if needed.


  • Report any incidents of abuse or suspected radicalisation to staff or the safeguarding team.
  • Make use of information that will provide advice and guidance to help you in your next steps both in your career and life.
  • Keep us informed of any changes in your personal details.
  • Provide and make use of timely and good quality feedback on your progress.