Classroom Learning

Access to facilities
We make every effort to ensure our buildings are accessible to all and we seek to influence and encourage owners of other buildings that we hire to do likewise. We make all reasonable adjustment to facilitate access for wheelchair users and those with restricted mobility or sensory impairment however if you have any concerns about accessing any of our buildings, please contact us on 0345 603 7635
Health and safety
ACL operates within the Essex County Council Health and Safety Policy, the ACL Learner Charter, and Essex County Council Corporate Health and Safety guidelines. Copies of the ACL Code of Practice are available at each centre as well as online via the ACL virtual learning environment. The Service will ensure that there is an awareness of safety issues among all staff and, so far as it is reasonably practicable, that the health and safety of non-employees who may be affected by its work activities are not endangered. Our learners have a role in this, and we would ask you to please be alert to potential risks and report anything you think could be a danger straight away to the reception staff or your tutor.
As part of your learning experience we will include guidance as to:
- the importance of health and safety
- how hazards are identified, and risks assessed
- how to play an active part in developing a set of safe behaviours,
- how to acquire practical, transferable skills from your learning experience
Health and Safety will be covered as part of your induction to the course and by the end of your first class you should be clear about:
- emergency arrangements
- any significant risks that may affect you
- control measures for the risks
- supervision arrangements and the contact person for any health and safety concerns
- any restrictions or prohibitions that apply in the learning situation and premises
- any personal protective equipment or clothing that you must wear
- accident reporting
- any health and safety rules (“dos” and “don’ts”).
Your wellbeing
We care about your wellbeing; we have a Learner Welfare form that we ask you complete when you have personal information related to your health that could affect you in the centre or might make you more vulnerable. This information is kept securely and only shared with your tutors and the safeguarding team, although in the in the event of a Safeguarding or Prevent concern information may also be shared with additional third parties.
We have a ‘Your Wellbeing’ area on our Virtual Learning Environment where we provide information and guidance to signpost you to other services and organisations that can support you.
Fire safety
In the event of the fire bells ringing, all persons within the building must leave immediately and congregate in the designated assembly area.
If you have difficulty with mobility that affects access a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) will be discussed and offered to you by your tutor.
Fire alarms, extinguishers and fire signs are provided to ensure safety. It is the responsibility of all users to ensure that such equipment remains in good working order. The discovery of defective firefighting or warning equipment must be reported immediately to reception.
It is a legal requirement that designated fire doors are not wedged open and that their self-closing mechanisms are not tampered with in any way.
Your tutor will inform you about the building fire procedures and provide you with any additional information you may need during your induction.
Learner ID cards
ID cards must be worn at all times by learners.
ACL Essex strives to provide a safe and secure environment for all who visit its premises. A key aspect of discharging this responsibility is to have an effective way of controlling and monitoring who is on ACL premises with a card identification system.
- All staff are required to wear a staff lanyard with an ECC ID photo card.
- All visitors are required to wear a visitor lanyard with a Visitor’s ID badge which they are given when they sign in at Customer Services.
ALL ACL LEARNERS are expected to attend ALL of their SESSIONS.
Regular attendance is a key factor in maintaining active engagement with your course, and ensuring you receive the support you need to progress and achieve your goals. We know from our data that high attendance is frequently associated with positive learner outcomes.
Regular attendance is also closely linked to well-being and safety. Consistent attendance allows us to support your wellbeing and if needed, identify any potential safeguarding concerns.
Attendance is important for a variety of reasons:
- Achievement – Attending sessions regularly helps you to stay up to date with the course material, engage in discussions, and ask questions. This improves your understanding of the subject matter, which is essential for achieving your goals.
- Active Learning – Being present in your session (online or face to face) enables you to actively participate in various learning activities such as group discussions, debates, presentations, and hands-on projects. These activities will enhance your understanding of the topic as well as develop critical thinking skills.
- Checking of Understanding: Attending sessions provides the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification on concepts that might be confusing. For practical subjects it allows you to observe a process before trying it for yourself. Your tutor and peers can provide insights that might not be available through self-study alone.
- Structured Learning Environment: attending your sessions regularly will help you to enhance wider skills such as time management skills and a sense of responsibility. Regular attendance will help prepare you for professional settings where punctuality and commitment are crucial which are all key skills you can evidence on CV’s or at interviews. Just think if you were on an 8-week course and missed one week that would only be 80% attendance – would an employer tolerate you 80% attendance at work?
What if I cannot attend a session?
It’s important to note that while regular attendance is beneficial, there might be situations where missing a class is unavoidable due to illness, emergencies, or other legitimate reasons. In such cases, please contact your tutor or ACL centre to let them know you will not be attending. It may then be possible to support you to catch up on a missing work, a proactive approach which can help mitigate the impact of missing a session on your learning.
Personal property
Neither ACL Essex nor Essex County Council will accept responsibility for the loss or damage to personal property including cars parked on the premises.
Car parking
We have car parking at most of our main centres. Please contact the appropriate reception for details. Sometimes our car parks become very busy, and we ask that learners are patient and tolerant of others at these times. Individuals should not become abusive to staff or other learners.
Snacks, and hot and cold drinks are available at all our main centres. These may sometimes be limited to service from machines and as such there may at times be very limited availability.