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Courses starting in September 2024 are now available for enrolment.
Learners in classroom

ACL Essex offers a world of career opportunity with launch of new courses

Adult education provider ACL Essex has launched its new courses for September 2023 with a range of qualifications and training courses to help upskill people across the county. The courses, which range from GCSEs in English and Maths to Languages and Art plus vocational qualifications, will provide residents of Essex the chance to gain top qualifications to advance their existing career or train for a new job.

Starting in September, ACL Essex will be offering a wide range of Level 1 to 5 vocational and professional qualifications, as well as apprenticeships and other training courses, to help Essex residents gain the necessary qualifications to achieve their career goals.

ACL Essex will also be focusing on helping to support people onto higher qualifications (Level 4+) by expanding its Access to Higher Education courses to include Education and Childhood Studies, Forensics and Criminology, Medicine and Medical Sciences, Science and Social Sciences. Regardless of past achievements, grades or personal circumstances, Access courses give learners the opportunity to pursue the career they have always wanted by putting them in a position to apply to university at the end of the course.

ACL Essex offers a range of different ways of learning that fit around learners’ lives. There will be traditional classroom-based lessons, as well as self-led, online, and live virtual lessons, to ensure that learners can access their course material from anywhere. Earlier this year, ACL Essex also opened its Skills Hubs, which help give learners access to computers and the support they may need to complete their course work or a safe place to undertake an online course.

Christian Norman, Vice-Principal for Curriculum & Learning at ACL Essex said: “We’re excited to release the latest qualifications and training courses available at ACL Essex in the next academic year. ACL Essex not only supports learners throughout their qualifications and courses, but also provides guidance on next steps once those courses are complete, helping learners to achieve their career goals.”

The learning provider also supports residents financially while gaining a qualification. If adults earn less than the National Living Wage annually (£20,319) or are unemployed, they are entitled to gain their first Level 3 qualification for free from ACL Essex through the ‘Free Courses for Jobs’ offer. All 19-23 year olds can also gain access to Level 3 courses for free due to their legal entitlement to a first full Level 3 qualification.

Through the ‘Flexible Learning’ offer, learners could also receive funding to help support them if they are 19+ as of 31st August of the current academic year; simply check online to see if you are eligible.

For more information about upcoming courses and funding to help learners access these courses, head to

The above post was published as a news release in June 2023 to local press and beyond. For further information, contact

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