Little Learners Chelmsford
The day begins with us coming together for circle time where we learn and sing about the day of the week, welcome each other with our hello song and talk about our activities coming up with free play. The children can take part in rolling snack being offered between 9.15-10.00. Around 10.30 the children can take part in the adult-led activity. The morning session finishes at 12.00 which is when the children have their lunch with the staff. Some children will then arrive with their lunch and take part in the lunch club before the afternoon session beings at 12.30. The afternoon session also consists of free play inside and out, a circle time and an adult-led activity. The session finishes for the children at 3.30pm.
Although the day and sessions are planned, we are always flexible taking into account the children’s interests and individual needs.
Parents and children wait outside our garden gate for their session time to start. Children are welcomed in by a member of the team who encourages them to find their own name tag to hang their belongings on, wash hands and find their photo card to self-register themselves.
Maldon Friary Pre-school
Parents can take advantage of an early Drop Off for a minimal amount of 50p from 8.45 am. The morning session begins at 9.00 am. Children wait outside the front door with their parents to be welcomed by a member of staff.
Each child has a picture card with their picture, their name and the Makaton finger spelling of their initials on it. They take this from the wall and choose a peg. The name card is stuck with Velcro next to their peg. A typical morning session is generally given over to free play, inside and out, and includes a ‘rolling’ snack time, which we start around 9.45am. At some point during the morning, most typically at about 11.30, the children are asked if they would like to take part in show and tell/circle time. During circle time we introduce the children to the ‘letter of the week’, we then think of any words we can beginning with that letter. We look in the show and tell box to see what the children have brought in. We may also sing songs, have stories or play games.
The lunch hour begins at 12.00pm with the children washing their hands and preparing to sit down for a 12.15 lunch. At 12.45pm our timer sounds, and lunchtime is finished, the children clear away their lunch, putting their rubbish in the correct bin for either recycling or general rubbish and wash their hands before playing again.
The afternoon session begins at 1pm and reflects the morning except after circle time at 3.45 pm the children help to tidy the toys away. Although there is a planned structure to our sessions, they are always flexible, taking into account what we are doing that day and the individual needs of the children at each session.

To find out more information about our preschools, please visit our dedicated preschool pages on our website.