IAG and Progression Policy 2024/25

Responsibility group Responsibility group ACL Leadership Team

Policy Writer Quality Manager

Last review date August 2024

Next review date August 2025

Audience All ACL

Stored Location Master Copy on ComEd Pool/Policies and Strategies. ACL Website



  • Policy Aims and Intentions
  • The Policy
  • Method of Implementation
  • Monitoring and Evaluation




Outlines the purpose, goals, and principles of providing information, advice, and guidance to learners and other stakeholders accessing ACL’s services.




Adult Community Learning Essex offers a confidential, high quality impartial, information, advice and guidance services for adults who wish to seek advice on their career, learning, work, and life goals.  The quality of the IAG service is assured through compliance with the Matrix standards and a process of continuous improvement.


Adult Community Learning Essex is committed to providing a clear, impartial information and advice service to adults.  The IAG service is confidential, and client focussed in accordance with the Matrix Framework.


Information offers up to date information on learning and career opportunities to support learners with their personal goals without going into significant detail.  Advice is where more in-depth information that is tailored and focused on their individual need.  Guidance is where the IAG assists clients to comprehensively explore learning or career options, and this may include referral to the National Careers Service.


Diversity and Equity

Equality of Opportunity underpins all aspects of the IAG service including accessibility in terms of promotion of the service, location, and the removal of physical and cultural barriers.


The Service is committed to providing a high-quality Information, Advice and Guidance service to the community.  This service is made available on enquiry and throughout the learner journey.


Any guidance given to learners must be non-discriminatory and staff should ensure that enquirers are not discouraged from taking non-traditional courses.


Special attention should be given to the continuing support required by learners who are in a minority and may be in an isolated position.



Implementing best practices for accessibility in information, advice, and guidance (IAG) services to ensure that everyone, regardless of their abilities, can access and benefit from these services.  We will:

  • Involve Users in Design

Engage stakeholders in the design and testing phases of our ACL services so that their insights can identify potential barriers and ensure solutions are effective.

  • Provide Multiple Formats

Offer information in various accessible formats such as Braille, large print, audio, and easy-read versions so that people with different needs can access our information.

  • Ensure Digital Accessibility

Follow web accessibility guidelines ie Web Content Accessibility Guidelines to make online content accessible. For example using alt text for images, ensuring keyboard navigability, and providing transcripts for audio and video content.

  • Train Staff

Regularly train staff on accessibility and inclusivity and thereby help them to .  understand the needs of individuals and how to assist them effectively.

  • Use Clear and Simple Language

Write in plain language and avoid jargon thereby making information easier to understand for everyone, including those with cognitive disabilities.

  • Provide Accessible Physical Spaces

Physical locations are accessible, with features like ramps, accessible restrooms, and clear signage.

  • Regularly Review and Update

Continuously review and update our accessibility practices to keep up with new standards and technologies.


By following these best practices, we will create an inclusive environment that allows everyone to access and benefit from our IAG services.



Information and advice given is impartial and focuses on the client’s individual needs.



Personal information held and processed by the service is subject to GDPR legislation.  Any information held as a result of individual sessions is confidential and is stored securely with only authorised staff having access.  Personal information will not be passed onto any third parties without the individual’s prior permission.



Where the service is unable to meet the needs of a client, they will be referred or signposted to an appropriate provider or source of information.



  • Information and advice events including enrolment sessions, apprenticeship events, and initial assessments.
  • Pre entry / foundation IAG, delivered by front line staff, is centred on helping individuals within the community to identify the most appropriate provider to progress their career, learning, work, and life goals, and refer if needed.  IAG provision here includes support with enrolment and collecting fees.
  • Embedded IAG – On-programme support is centred around the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and its review cycle which starts with initial assessment and concludes with exit and progression support followed by destination tracking.
  • Initial assessment that supports accurately identifies learner’s starting points and prior experience, including maths, English and digital skills.
  • Regular reviews of learning plans to establish the progress learners are making towards their goals, provide developmental feedback and ensure that learners remain involved in goal setting and that they “own” these.
  • Learners will be supported to achieve their personal goals including soft outcomes, such as developing confidence, improving wellbeing, increased social cohesion.
  • Drop In centres staffed by IAG qualified facilitators to provide impartial IAG and support learners to explore their learning and employment options.
  • Progression pathways that inform on the steps needed to achieve learner goals.
  • Training, so that staff know who to elicit information from assessments and interviews, interpret these results and develop meaningful learning plans that meet individual needs.
  • Reaching out and delivering IAG to disadvantaged or minority groups in the wider community.
  • Targeted support for those who are unemployed and looking to get back into work.
  • Working with partners to deliver impartial IAG, developing signposting and referral services so that learners receive the timely support they need to achieve their goals.



The Curriculum, Quality and Development Group will monitor and evaluate this policy on a continuous basis, confer with and advise staff on its implementation, and report to the Senior Leadership Team.


Impact on Quality of Initial Assessment and development of knowledge and skills

  • Quality of initial assessment, target setting, and the progress being made by learners towards achieving their learning and career goals.
  • Staff make good use of information gathering to provide differentiation within session planning that meets individual needs.
  • Development of English, maths, and digital skills
  • Development of “wider” employability skills including behaviours and attitudes, team working etc.
  • High levels of retention, attendance, and achievement.


Impact on Progression

  • Learners progress to destinations relevant to their career or learning aims.
  • Learners progress into employment or progress within their current role.
  • Learners progress into further learning
  • Learners develop their softer skills, plus health and wellbeing.


Quality Frameworks

  • maintaining the MATRIX Standard Accreditation and using it as a tool to continuously improve.
  • Good Ofsted judgement for overall effectiveness


Training and development activities

Impact from training delivered within teacher training, customer services, and learner/employer engagement roles.


Learner Feedback

End of course learner evaluation form


Associated Policies 

  • Diversity & Equality
  • Staff Development
  • GDPR



Attendance is monitored through:

  • E-Registers
  • Observation of Teaching and Learning
  • Tutor records
  • Attendance and retention data for all provision including apprenticeship provision
  • Completion and achievement data for all provision
  • Individual Learning Plans
  • Learner feedback
  • Employer feedback (as appropriate)
  • Student services withdrawal process
  • Course Reviews
  • Staff personal development reviews


The Service is committed to equal access to the curriculum for all its learners irrespective of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, gender and sexual orientation or social and economic circumstances.


Learners are expected to:

  • attend a minimum of 90% of learning
  • attend all sessions punctually; arriving prepared and ready for a prompt start
  • inform ACL staff in advance of non-attendance and reasons for this
  • demonstrate consistently high positive attitudes and commitment to their education and/or training.
  • set a positive example by treating others with respect and dignity
  • feedback to their tutor or other appropriate member of staff if they feel they are not progressing


Learners who fail to attend on 4 consecutive sessions/weeks will be withdrawn


Breaks in Learning (Apprentices only) 

A break in learning can be used for economic reasons, long term sickness, maternity leave, religious trips, etc.


The learner with the tutor’s agreement can suspend a learning aim while the learner takes a break from learning. This allows the learner to continue learning at a later date with the same eligibility that applied when they first started their learning aim.


Learners will not be funded during a break in learning.  Evidence needs to be provided that the learner agrees to return and continue with the same learning aim, otherwise they will be withdrawn from the learning programme. A break in learning must not be used for short-term absences, such as holidays or short-term illness.





Tutors are expected to:

  • follow up learner absence after the first non-attendance.  If there is a safeguarding concern this should be reported to the Safeguarding and EDI Lead.
  • keep regular contact with learners when absent
  • make necessary arrangements for learners with additional needs to receive appropriate, and timely support
  • keep in touch with the learners during periods of non-attendance (if suspended from work-based programmes)
  • provide additional learning resources and/or support so that learners are not disadvantaged when exceptional circumstances prevent attendance
  • liaise with employers (as appropriate) if employees or apprentices are not attending and put action plans in place for attendance to resume
  • have read the ACL Learner Charter and Learner Handbook
  • deliver high quality teaching, learning and assessment that motivates and inspires learners to attend


Related ACL Policies: 

ACL Equality and Diversity Policy

ACL Safeguarding and Prevent Policy

This policy is in conjunction with the following ACL policies

If you require this document in any other format, please email teresa.ablewhite@essex.gov.uk  stating the document name in full and the format you need.