Enrol now for courses starting in September 2024

Look after your mental health and wellbeing this Mental Health Awareness Week

ACL Essex will offer free mental health and wellbeing courses during the awareness week.

Free, online mental health and wellbeing courses will start at ACL Essex during Mental Health Awareness Week. The courses will be split into two sessions over two weeks.

They will cover areas like how to manage anxiety and overwhelm, setting goals and decluttering for wellbeing and managing change in life and work. Sessions start on 13, 14 and 15 May.

Over 300,000 people in the UK entered NHS services for talking therapies between October and December, 2023. This was up from just over 55,000 people in July to September of the same year.2

Lisa Jarentowski, Principal, ACL Essex said: “Many people struggle with their mental health, and you don’t have to suffer alone. Our mental health and wellbeing is the basis of everything we do; it can determine our next steps in life. Reach out and come along to one of our courses with our friendly tutors. They are either qualified mental health practitioners or have lived experience. We’re here to support you to look after your mental health and wellbeing.”

ACL Essex has already supported many learners with their mental health and wellbeing.

One learner, Debbie, said: “I have enjoyed this course very much. It’s been interesting and has made me feel more determined and my confidence has grown now more than ever before.”

Another learner, Brenda, feels that she has completed the courses at the right time. She said: “Thanks to Alison and Tamara (the tutors), I am slowly but surely changing my lifestyle and making my house into a home. In particular, I have personally benefitted with the use of language that both tutors have given me to be more self-confident. I am so very happy to be part of ACL as there is something for everyone.”

The mental health and wellbeing courses will each last for two weeks. Sessions start on 13, 14 and 15 May. Find out more about mental health and wellbeing courses at ACL Essex.

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