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Courses starting in September 2024 are now available for enrolment.
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Ways Into Work and Career Guidance

Finding a job can be hard and there could be a number of reasons why you feel like you aren’t progressing. It may feel like a never-ending uphill battle, but don’t fret, we can help you find the light at the end of the tunnel.

Learn the skills to inspire and empower you to get the job you’ve always wanted. The majority of courses are delivered online and are FREE.

  • Decision Making: Perfect for those who are unsure of the career they want to go into, are looking for a change or want to explore a wider variety of options.
  • Getting the job: If you’ve decided the career you would like to go into, the next step is applying for those jobs. This section offers courses to support with this.
  • Confidence building: Perfect for those searching for a job, already employed or looking to start your own business who are struggling with confidence.
  • Self-employment: Are you thinking about starting your own business? The following courses are designed to support you with this.
  • In-work progression: These courses are great for those already in work who are looking to improve their employability and soft skills.
  • Other courses: ACL also offer many courses in our other curriculum areas which could help you with employment, including, Qualifications & skills for employment, Essential skills, Creative & cultural learning, Mental health and wellbeing, Supported learning Employability Skills, Apprenticeships, Family learning

Find out more about our full offer on our website.

You can also download the Ways into Work brochure, Employability and Wellbeing workbook and support with CV writing.

ACL provides a range of courses to help you with every step of your job search, from deciding the career you want, to interviewing and improving your employability skills in the workplace.
We are the largest provider of adult education in the county. We’re at the heart of our communities across Essex making a difference to residents and businesses, so everyone has the chance to make a difference for themselves, those around them, and the places that they live in.

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