Online Safety Policy 2025
Responsibility group Responsibility group ACL Senior Leadership Team
Policy Writer Vice Principal Quality and Compliance
Last review date January 2025
Next review date August 2025
Audience All ACL staff, all ACL learners, and other stakeholders
Stored Location Master Copy on ComEd Pool/Policies and Strategies. ACL Website
- Policy Aims and Intentions
- The Policy
- Method of Implementation
- Monitoring and Evaluation
This policy will ensure that ACL has a secure framework for online learning in which staff and learners can work safely. Associated policies will be updated to reflect online learning requirements as they are reviewed.
Online learning takes place when a learning session is delivered through downloading information, telephone calls, communications, webinars, hybrid delivery (learners online and in person), or live streaming. It is essential that this is undertaken in a safe way, supported by appropriate risk assessments.
This includes but is not limited to:
- Learners working from personal devices such as computers, tablets, mobile phones
- Live learning through streamed video conferencing
- Pre-recorded learning
- Provision of online learning materials i.e., through the VLE/ Teams, My Maths etc
- Electronic chat forums and virtual classrooms
- E-Portfolio
- Setting and marking of assignments, electronically or via the post.
- Use of ACL’s Hybrid teaching rooms.
ACL requires tutors to embed teaching about online safety and risks of harm, within a whole service approach. This will include how to use technology safely, responsibly, respectfully, and securely, and where to go for help and support when learners have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies. This online safety training will cover the ACL Netiquette, how to stay safe and how to behave online.
All members of staff are required to work within the clear guidelines of ACL’s Safeguarding policies and follow the guidance which remains applicable to online learning. Staff will continue to raise concerns during online working, following ACL procedures and alerting the safeguarding team to any disclosures or concerns.
Staff have a responsibility to avoid crossing professional boundaries by not sharing personal information and putting themselves and learners at risk. This includes not creating or promoting the use of chat groups (WhatsApp, Discord etc) outside ACL’s Learning platforms.
ACL will make every possible effort to ensure all learners can safely access the internet and learning resources, within centres. ACL Web filtering software and monitoring processes are designed to promote safer internet use.
- All staff and learners should be alert to safeguarding risks online and report any concerns to the Safeguarding Team, via MyConcern or by ‘phone 07788 301629
- Online learning operates within the quality frameworks of the 2023 Education Inspection Framework, and the matrix Standards.
- The expectations of teaching, learning and assessment within ACL apply to all online learning and furthermore must include:
- All ACL developed online provision uses the templated course on the ACL VLE and Microsoft Teams for Education. All courses to contain this information as a minimum to ensure consistency across the Service.
- Staff ensure they use only ECC allowed software for delivery.
- Learners’ personal details are not to be downloaded or stored by staff on a personal home computer or personal cloud space. Details should be kept in a secure location on ACL/ECC One Drive.
- If a session is recorded all learners must know it is being recorded and where it will be stored and for what purpose. Any downloaded recordings must have captions added to them. All recordings are deleted after 90 days in line with MS policy unless agreed with Learning Technologies Manager.
- Learning materials used, including pictures and videos, comply with copyright restrictions and legal requirements for accessibility.
- ACL session visit team oversee the consistency and quality of learning being delivered and/or work being set, using the Digital Course Framework.
- All learning to be accessible. This includes adherence to legal guidance relating to web-based materials.
- Staff are supported through workforce development opportunities to develop the skills needed to deliver online learning effectively and safely.
- ACL does not endorse learners communicating through any other platform except their online course areas. Tutors should not encourage learners to use any other form of group communication such as WhatsApp.
- Tutors must not share any personal details with learners including phone numbers.
ACL must ensure that it can demonstrate full compliance with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All staff are required to be familiar with Data Protection guidance, accessible on the ECC Intranet, or from their line manager. Any data breach or suspected data breach must be referred immediately to your line manager.
Learners participating in online learning are to abide by the ACL Charter and all ACL policies. These can be found on the VLE or by contacting your tutor/assessor.
It is important to recognise that the online classroom is in fact a classroom and certain behaviours are expected when you communicate with those engaging with you. These guidelines are known as netiquette.
- Always use a unique, strong password
- Don’t share your password with anyone – this will protect you from online scams etc.
- Change your password if you think someone else might know it and report it.
- Only share an ACL email address or other personal information if necessary.
- Be prepared to be visible and put your camera on, if there is a reason your camera can’t be on for that session, please let your tutor know.
- Think about what is behind you in view – is it something you don’t want others to see? Please ensure you have no personal photos of family on show. Teams allows you to blur your background or choose an alternative background if needed.
- For further guidance refer to Computer Use Policy
When working online you should always:
- Be respectful of others and their opinions.
- Be careful with personal information (both yours and others’).
- Dress appropriately
- Beware of using reply all – not everyone may need to see your message.
- Remember to stay on topic.
- Remember to listen and not talk over each other – this comes with practice! Mute your speaker when not talking.
- Treat everyone with respect. Your virtual classroom should be a safe place. Remember your tutor and classmates are real people.
- Do not use strong or offensive language.
- Please do not to write or say anything that you wouldn’t say to someone in person, and bear in mind how you would feel if you were on the receiving end.
- Do not share personal details in a chat or anywhere on the course page.
- Please remember we still need to keep each other safe. If you are concerned about your own or another person’s safety, please tell your tutor or report it using the Safeguarding number. (07788 301629)
Guidance for ALL staff and learners
Working Safely with Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
While preparing and/or participating in distance learning staff and learners are responsible for looking after their own health. This includes ensuring they have adequate arrangements in place to maintain good posture and reduce DSE related risks. Any member of staff who has concerns about their health and safety should contact their line manager in the first instance.
Staying Safe Online
Staff and learners are recommended to read Get Safe Online the advice and information for families and individuals on the National Cyber Security Centre website . This includes top tips for staying safe online and how to protect your data and devices.
- Session visits of online delivery
- Moderation and standardisation of online learning
- Learner feedback
- Personal Development Records
ACL Session Visit Policy
ACL Adult Safeguarding Policy
ACL Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy
ACL Admissions Policy
ACL Fitness to Learn Policy
ACL Exclusion Policy
ACL Disability Policy
ACL Harassment and bullying Policy
ECC Code of Conduct
ECC Data Protection
ACL Computer Use Policy
ACL Learner Charter
ACL AI Policy
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